I'd actually PAY you half my `cash' if you remove the Sara-damn, contract-breaking SoF popup ad from my game, period.
As long as the SoF contains more than cosmetic items - or as long as spins can be bought, I won't use it.
Given that the use of 'free' spins gets counted as support for this RWT scheme, and as an excuse for the introduction of further microtransaction schemes, I won't use the SoF.
Given that all protests, and all constructive criticism against the introduction of Jagex-sponsored RWT has been ignored, and continues to be ignored -
given that not spinning the wheel is the only feedback that counts, and how desperately Jagex tries to bribe the players into using it - and thus superficially agree to the SoF -
I will not use the SoF.
Every 'free' ticket forced on me will be destroyed.
Every 'free' spin forced on me by other ways will be ignored.
Every (contract-breaking) pop-up ad for the SoF will be clicked away.
That Jagex wastes time and resources on SoF pseudo-content updates, and lowers the number of real content updates, has already gotten me into playing other MMOs. (And not only me.)
Ignoring every criticism on the SoF, forcing it at players even more than ever before, putting more 'desirable' stuff on it won't turn me into an SoF user, and thereby a 'supporter' of Jagex' sellout.
I consider every new 'improvement' of the SoF other than the removal of tradeable items and exp lamps, or the removal of purchasable spins, as an insult: It insinuates that Runescape players can be bought into supporting the SoF. That we all are corrupt enough to accept pay-to-win schemes as a legitimate part of the game.
Put up beefeaters and fish marks, hand over billions of gp and millions of xp - I will ignore Jagex bribes just as Jagex ignores each and every critique on its sellout.
Sorry: Just for reassuring myself of my moral superiority at the cheapest price possible - I won't use the SoF.
29-Aug-2012 23:48:16