
SoF: Double Cash!

Quick find code: 294-295-57-63942746



Posts: 112 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There's a lot of things i'd rather see jagex's time go towards rather than making useless content like sof and solomons store... I can understand selling emotes and outfits for real money but when you start doing that with gp and xp it becomes a little ridiculous... really starting to lose my faith in this game :|
EDIT: Start listening to your customers.. The majority of the people on this thread and probably runescape dont like these new updates

16-Aug-2012 10:06:45 - Last edited on 16-Aug-2012 10:09:19 by WastedWalrus



Posts: 46 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear Jagex,
I started playing in 2003. I've been playing on and off since then. I was about to subscribe. Then I saw this update. It's official. Jagex now sells gold for $.
Instead of subscribing, I'm going back to hibernation. Maybe I'll come back in a year to see if anything's been fixed. Bye.

16-Aug-2012 15:58:11

The Disease

The Disease

Posts: 47 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What I would like to see is more updates with new quest, armor, weapons, monsters and more places to explore. Players that have been in Runescape for many years no that things like Sof is unfair to people who want to work hard for what items they have. I do see why some people might like SoF, it does give alot of in game money if you have enough rl money to pay into buying extra spins. I think everyone should work hard for the in game money they get. I had to like so many other players spend hours/months to save up for that special item I wanted. Runescape to me is about hard work and having fun. I would like to ask the Mod that is over SoF " What does Runescape mean to you? " :|

16-Aug-2012 16:13:04



Posts: 147 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear IVP and Jagex,
Due to an unprecedented disdain for your players (i.e., where your money comes from), I have cancelled my membership. I don't care what other games do, Runescape will never be accepted as a freemium game. Runescape is a community of level grinders, the majority of which feel royally insulted by your ever increasing pay to win mindset. I will never pay another dime to a couple of corporate raiders who ruined one of my favorite childhood games. Your blatant disregard for player feedback and your force feeding of certain game content that 90%+ of players do not approve of or desire (SOF, RAF, Solomon's, Loyalty Programme) have driven off many formerly dedicated players. As much as I want to keep playing Runescape out of habit, if nothing else, I will refuse to and stand firm against your greedy, irresponsible, and malicious attempts to ransack out wallets. You would think by the number of games you have ruined, you would have learned by now that your method of fundamentally changing a game does not work.
Sad and Angry

16-Aug-2012 16:44:00



Posts: 106 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is why I've cancelled all my memberships. Why pay when most of the new content is RWT crap?
Gf Jagex. Think I'll be giving some of my entertainment money to your competitors now. Haven't played WoW in a while.

16-Aug-2012 17:06:12 - Last edited on 16-Aug-2012 17:06:21 by [#Y10BW9OW6]



Posts: 9,058 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ravens Widow

16-Aug-2012 08:42:58 Profile Highlight
I personally like the fact they are trying to compete with illegal gold farmers. You all are are just ticked because they themselves are doing this "RWT". No one ever had a problem buying gold off of bots or hacked accounts. You players disgust me with your backwards logic..
The thing is......They aren't competing with gold farmers rofl...They will still continue to sell rsgp at a premium no matter what jagex does rofl....And assuming that everyone here has no problem with buying gold off bots? That's just irresponsible and shows how short sighted you really are... Don't assume things just because people disagree with Jagex's ever changing "RWT Policy"

16-Aug-2012 17:48:15



Posts: 157 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To everyone crying: your tears are delicious. Jagex hasn't offered anything "game-breaking" through real life money and the majority of the playerbase (who actually post on the site) are too blind to see that. Who cares if they offer titles? Do they change the gameplay? No. It shows something next to your name. Who cares if they add in models to overwrite items? Do they make your weapon more powerful than someone who doesn't have them? No. So what does it matter? The Runescape playerbase is getting worse as time goes on. Once Jagex starts offering REAL content (quests, mini-games, items (not skins for them, actual items) or prayers/spells/etc.) then you can feel free to complain. Until then, kids will get mommy and daddy (or people with an actual job will just buy it themselves, which is their choice) to buy them whatever they want. As for the whole "ruining the economy" thing, the economy isn't going to crash over stupid double cash rewards from SoF, be realistic. That 400m is probably a 1/1000000000 chance and everyone here knows that you only win the 1000g (2000g) prizes anyway with the rare 500k (1m). Stop your whining, play the game.

16-Aug-2012 22:36:48

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