Dear IVP and Jagex,
Due to an unprecedented disdain for your players (i.e., where your money comes from), I have cancelled my membership. I don't care what other games do, Runescape will never be accepted as a freemium game. Runescape is a community of level grinders, the majority of which feel royally insulted by your ever increasing pay to win mindset. I will never pay another dime to a couple of corporate raiders who ruined one of my favorite childhood games. Your blatant disregard for player feedback and your force feeding of certain game content that 90%+ of players do not approve of or desire (SOF, RAF, Solomon's, Loyalty Programme) have driven off many formerly dedicated players. As much as I want to keep playing Runescape out of habit, if nothing else, I will refuse to and stand firm against your greedy, irresponsible, and malicious attempts to ransack out wallets. You would think by the number of games you have ruined, you would have learned by now that your method of fundamentally changing a game does not work.
Sad and Angry
16-Aug-2012 16:44:00