I've got only 1 question on my mind: What's the million xp all about? I mean is it combat xp, skill xp or what?
1 more question: Y am I getting stupid items from the squeal of fortune? I've played it everyday since u guys started it and I keep getting worthless stuff, what's up with that?
To be honest about this,I dislike that I'm forced to use this item in five months.There should not really be a expiration date.But I'm not a mod so there for the reason my argument is invalid.Thanks for your time anyways
so if my membership lapse's say a few hours and i get it back within a 24 hour period and keep it all the way until the choose your fate rewards time at the end of septemeber, i will be able to choose/get the items that are planned to come out??? and also i would really really like it if you could use them on any monster i.e. no restrictions to monster/boss and for a e.g. say jad!?!?!?!?! that'd make me very happy since i'm terrible at switching and i'd really like to be able to insta-kill-jad to get a fire cape that i have tried so many times to get yet die when i get to jad. I will be looking forward to the improvments being made to sizzlin summer FAQ. Thanks!