While this'll certainly never be read by anyone, whatever: here goes anyway.
With the intentions of the EoC being to give this game a more advanced and respectable combat system, I was honestly hoping that the game could become respectable enough to where I could actually speak of it to friends, perhaps recommend it to them to try, too, instead of having to keep it a guilty little secret and grit my teeth in the back of my head if ever any talk was raised about online games and RS was pointed to as the token laughing stock.
I'll clarify once more if it was missed, that I'm in full support of the *intentions* of the EoC.
I'd like to call myself fairly well-informed regarding the topic of the comparison of RS to WoW. That being said, I believe it's not the EoC that warrants any of the substantial comparisons, but these promotional gimmicks we see so much of lately.
All this promotional "stay a member, we'll give you free shiz!" stuff just sounds like marketing desperation on your part, Jagex. While no, the tactics aren't quite as aggressive as WoW's, the fundamental lines are still crossed, and it still ends up building a similar general feeling about the attitude of the game.
The content may be different, but a game with constant promotional gimmicks and spoiling of content sanctity gives off an overall cheapened and washed up feel. Constant promotional gimmicks are what games resort to when they reach that point.
Furthermore, why be like, "to stop your whining momentarily, here's some shinies. Be distracted." It's very hard to take you guys seriously when you just sound like shameless salesmen, and very easy for people to turn cynical about you. Whatever happened to simple heartfelt messages addressed to the community just explaining the times, why you ask us to be patient, how it's in our interest, etc?
At least with those, you guys sound HUMAN, not like a constant commercial. I think that's the biggest annoyance, really. Please stop with the gimmicks.
22-Jul-2012 03:15:20