Reviewing late, my apologies. I had never played SW until last weekend as I am a confirmed Pest Control devotee. Having gone from about 83 cb to 108 primarily because of PC, you can understand why.
I began SW on Friday as a mage, switched to range, and in desperation, went melee. I got tired of dying within seconds. For melee I wore Torag's, bandos boots and gloves, abyssal and enhanced excalibur; plenty of pots: overload+restore+energy; SW tends to be a lot of running. I found Torag's armour to work the best as it is not very feminine, which for SW, was a good thing. I felt that women were targeted in SW and piled. Torag's allowed me to blend in more and you would only know I was a woman because of my name.
Very, very laggy on Friday, but no crashes. By Sunday, it was less laggy, but still hard to distinguish the other side and who to attack. Most games were a draw, which other players were happy about and said, "So this is how SW is supposed to be," as you can have people take over SW and one side just overpowers the other.
Here's my bar setup: Havoc, Sever, Ice barrage (I dualed, but only used a few times), Torture, Dragon Breath, Fury, Smite |threshold: flurry, slaughter, asphyxiate, massacre| Freedom in last slot. It worked well for me and I was able to fight back and even attack.
Mages were great as backup with ice barrages-- it worked as a tag so you could see who to attack (!)
Overall, a lot of fun. I do not mind about the costume mad scientist. Look forward to more weekends like this with other minigames. Pest Control perhaps?
TY, Jagex. --DH
26-Jul-2012 14:41:40