I find it extremely funny how badly off this timeline is. First off, I started playing runescape when i was a freshman in highschool, when i was 14 years old. I am now currently 27 years old. That means the latest i could have started was in the winter of 1999-2000. Was there some type of beta up then? I remember there were barely any players then, pk in cowfeilds and cabage feild, no banks(had to use mules), no rune armor. I believe the wilderness was introduced in 2001 along with the full version of the game. This was a breaking point. you could wear any armor at level 1 defence, level 3's running around in full rune (it was outrageous). Herblore didnt come out until much much later. Acually, i believe it became part of the game when members was introduced to runescape, along with many other skills such as fletching, theiving, and others. Whoever made this timeline up, i think is very confused. I am surprised bluerose13x was not posted for her unique job at being the first player to smith adam sheilds, and then rune armor. their were mining guilds, pking guilds, and all the such. There is no way 2001 was the introduction to the game. I turned 16 in 2001 in feb. I was well into my runescape playing career at that time. I believe 2001 was the introduction to rune weapons such as the rune baxe, 2h sword, and rune kite, as the smithers finnally got the ability to make those weapons. Lets not forget how many accounts i have sitting idle right now, due to the fact that the tank mages levels were destroyed at the rs2 update, making you able to earn hp xp with your magic range levels. I believe this game has gone a long way, but i truely would like to see the REAL timeline. The one that dates back even to the beta. I remember logging in and killing my first goblin. I was hooked. 12+ years later, here i am still paying for a members account, though i do not play very often.
23-Jul-2012 01:01:43