A problem I've had was an old account that was tied to a now defunct email address. I'm able to login to play just fine, but I didn't want to risk spending too much time on it in case it ever gets hacked and I can't get it back cos my email no longer exists (domain cancelled).
I've tried the support forms that keeps telling me to recover the account/password. Well, I don't have a problem with the password, I just need to change the email address. And the questions from 10 years ago, who remembers them? Is there any way you can solve this problem? I've seen from reddit that I'm not the only one with this problem.
Maybe you can do an IP check for country IP, old recovery questions (I don't remember the questions, but I should know the answers), idk what else is unique and rememberable after 10 years.
05-Jul-2019 12:20:05