i cant wait for:
1.) the potion tool tips update.
2.) bank rework =3 placeholders!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.) unmentiond clan st00f <3
4.) a small but unforgettable update todo with seating. *shhh no spoilers*
5.) dbl xp weekend again.... *sigh*
atleast it's a rebound for the last one which went bad for me due to irl drama for once -.-
5.1) just like last double xp weekend i will be doing alot of dunging & i will be helping out those new to it learn how to dung while doing my best to power through floors to keep them decently fast after a typical initial teaching floor. this will sometimes be b2b2b due to new joiners just giving a head's up. ^.^
i plan to be doing an extended dunging session into the day after double xp weekend to help those lacking energy, time to be on to grind ='/ or unfortunate events of divine intervention *curse you mod raven! stop meddleing in people's lives!... the darkness is strong with this one -.-*
join my fc
saint blair
to get to join me & possibly other's willing to participate in hosting floors & teach,
Discord is optional but advised so you can hear the caller (floor host/gates/others) you should be atleast typeing your calls & gates in text chat in-game to log you actually made the call and/or incase someone spaced/didnt hear it/lagged out/ect
: Coming Soon