Feedback for the mini menu:
My suggestion would be to kick the current mini menu, because it just can not work that way, so how about making a horizontal action menu with a self-explanatory icon.
Quite a lot more minimalist.
Chopping Wood Icon -> reference to Chop willow,
Pickaxe Icon -> Reference ore mining,
Information Icon + (tree, monster, resources ..) -> question mark or magnifying glass with the type of information
General Monster Icon with 2 swords that indicates the attack.
Finally, an X icon on the far right to close the menu.
If you need the texts -> Press an icon briefly and you can show a context-related text just above the menu, which is not covered by the finger.
A little interesting extra would be if you could represent the distance in game meters at the top right of the icons. in red and white letters, as you know it. Then you would know which action is closer.
18-Jul-2018 21:06:34