That's what I'm saying. A fuckin' useless runefest app is being debuted, and we've been promised an old school app to be out more than a year ago. Jagex is irrelevant.
There's an easy way to remove the clutter from all over the screen: Instead of having the tabs for different menu's on screen, create a border around your in-game screen using the tabs. That way, you have no problem clicking onto your inventory and other menu's, and they're not taking up precious space you can use to optimize anything else.
I just read an article that says old school runescape mobile is being released this 30OCT18, and is available for pre order on the iOS App Store/Google play.
How much is the app going to cost? It’s free to pre-order, but it’ll have to cost something when it debuts. Jagex knickle and dimes their costumers where ever they can. It’ll probably be a monthly payment too, and not just a one time app purchase.
Any update on ETA on Mobile Release date - I don't get to play as often as I would like anymore due to work and home life, but could sneak in a few hours in bed at night.