I'm coming up on year five on this account. My older account is a 2003-er I think. Either way I'll be waiting a bit for this. But hey, still exciting. It's been a good 9ish years.
11 year vet here. I started THIS account in classic, made a friend I still now TODAY, was 13 when I started, am now 24, and you say, i have 147 days left. Explain this to me? I want my cape. NOW.
I absolutely will not stop until you rectify this. I have had this account over 10 years, I know for a fact. I was 13 when I started playing, My older brother got me into it when I WAS 13, The same character I'm using now. There is no doubts about it and I have proof. Yet you say i have 147 days left? 13 when I started. 24 and a half now. Do the math. I would like to speak to a J-mod please.
hello i have a couple of accs and one of em was named
36 mafia 24 and i keep getting hacked from other players in runescape and my lil brother had the same incident as well and i would like to get my acc unbanned because u see i got banned from macroing major and it wasnt me i waited 7 months maybe 8 and my appeal is pending. i would really appreciate it if someone unbanned my account plz i worked so hard at it i had 91 str which is exllenti was going for 99 but suddenly it got banned. plz any of u jagex mods can please help me outi really want it back
Hello jagged mods I have a authenticator enabled for my account but when I go to try to trust it on my computer there is no code for me to log in with it and I can not deactivate my authenticator because by when I log into yahoo it says my email is not recognized
Please respond. Being always active and not being invited to the beta was a insult enough, but playing almost 11 years and you're saying I have 147 days left til 10 year cape is just too much. I wish to talk to a J-mod or I am finished for good. Not a threat, just going to if you really don't care that much. Please do the right thing.