Best of luck for the future, despite all of the hate you've had over the years I think you've done a fantastic job and I just hope whoever is taking your place can live up to your name
I personally think Mod MMG has done a great job for the game because I don't have blind hate. I think about why each update is done and the benefits to them, and to be perfectly honest, MMG has done a damn good job with them. Thank you especally for the bot removal and bonds. Bonds came out almost the exact same time when we needed that extra $80 or so a year, and it's also a nice challenge to keep working towards making enough gold in the game to pay for membership while still making a profit each month.
Thank you for the things I liked, that wasn't always the case, unfortunately. Things like the microtransactions and the unwanted EoC for example, which irreparably damaged my gameplay.
Best of luck in the future.
11-Sep-2014 22:38:39
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11-Sep-2014 22:58:14