
Update on Service Disruptions

Quick find code: 294-295-293-65202916

Nurse Kali
Dec Member 2023

Nurse Kali

Posts: 4,471 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
it sucks people have to resort to such pathetic tactics wether it just be a bunch of gold farming companies mad they cant pour there bots into the game like they used to or just a bunch of mad kids who go out of there way to ruin everyones game.
Since seems alot of people only really play to ruin everyone elses game play not just rune mind you.

i wouldn't be surprised in the least if the majority if the reason its being done in a way the same people spamming how much they"hate"the game every day but still stick around.I dont know about them but if i "hated" something i sure as heck wont stick around it every day saying how much i hate it ill just leave and move on with my life got better things to do then degrade something i have no interest in that benefits me in no way.

Hope the problem gets sorted out and whoever is doin is gets whats coming to them.

01-Jan-2014 14:01:54

Whirled Peas

Whirled Peas

Posts: 612 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
LOL, so now even the Jagex CEO is using the "omg i got haxored" excuse?

These service outages have nothing to do with DDoSers or malicious revenge attacks from people whose business was ruined and everything to do with profit$. Jagex does not want to maintain all the servers it once had because the number of players doesn't justify it, so they've changed to cheaper hosting services. You know this is true because they've even got a poll asking if we think they should cut the number of available worlds.

This is all a direct result of the bad decisions made in the past such as EOC and NIS that so killed the player population barely 50K play at peak times like weekends and holidays. I remember when it was normal for 250K people to be playing just after the Slayer skill was released. Then someone got the bright idea to ruin the Wilderness in 2006 and things have never been the same since.

Power to the Players is a really bad joke, as well as a cheap and transparent marketing gimmick. The blame for these disruptions falls squarely on the shoulders of Jagex, and no one else.

18-Mar-2014 13:16:47



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok guys i need help i cannot play runescape. I have been trying to contact a person at jagex but i have had no success so i have been led here. Whenever i try to play the game through the web client it crashes and says error. It then leads me to the tech support forums i have had no success there. I have tried clearing my cache etc i have tried everything and nothing has fixed the problem. So i downloaded the game client and it actually logs me in and i can begin to walk around. But if i walk to far when the map begins to load the game crashes says runescape has quit unexpectedly. This also happens when I try to teleport somewhere. By the way i am on a mac. I don't know what to do I have tried everything on the forums and have had no success. Someone please help.

20-Apr-2014 01:23:04

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