I think that something like this is definitely better than "anyone who's a member for these 2 months gets a free 1m xp", but I think this is a little too far in the opposite extreme. I'm not going to start screaming or demanding that it be changed, but I think that requiring participation every single day is too much. For example, any observant Jews will find it impossible to achieve the full rewards, because Rosh HaShana (the Jewish New Year) is a 2-day (49 hour) holiday, from sundown until nightfall 49 hours later, and this year, because it's Thursday and Friday, it leads into Saturday, meaning that effectively it's a 73 hour Sabbath. Now, normally with the Sabbath one could log in Friday morning or afternoon, and then Saturday night, still being within the "every day", because the game operates from midnight (3 AM in Israel) to midnight. With the 3-day Sabbath due to the new year starting on Thursday, it becomes impossible for me and others to participate fully. Now, I understand that we're probably a small minority of players, but I'm sure I'm not the only one -- and there are plenty of other reasons that other people may have for being unable to play every single day, through no fault of their own and with no choice in the matter. I realize that this will most likely have no effect and nothing will change, but I, for one, am disappointed.
01-Sep-2013 12:57:16