Hmmm... already have 99's in two out of three. If you are going to do this (and Jagex will anyway) at least give us discretion where to place the XP.
I don't mind the SoF, it's such a small part of the overall game. It is definitely not worth ranting about as much as people do. I just ask Jagex to not make it such a seemingly pivotal aspect of the game. Let us just spin and get on with playing. Give us some other real content (quests, events, items, etc.) In real life, no one complains about a chance to get free things, only in a virtual game like this do people get all worked up.
For the everyone else, Jagex is a company trying to make a profit. No profit = no new content and eventually no game. For everyone who feels cheated about all the "work" they put into the game... news flash - this is not work, it is a game where you click a mouse over and over again. It is meant as a distraction from your real life (job, family, school, real responsibilities) nothing more. Don't like it? Then don't spin the wheel. There is plenty of other ways to spend your time in the game without constantly criticizing others who do enjoy the spins and so on.
01-Jul-2012 20:49:58