New quests = good! Looking forward to them!
Removing an old quest = not so much...
I understand the desire to update things, but I'm never really happy when you remove old quests or remove them as quest requirements. It often makes the lore explanation of why things are how they are not work right (example: herblore and summoning are Druidic techniques, but the quests that used to need to be done for the druids to teach you, i.e. unlock the skills, aren't reqs anymore). What is going to happen to the quests that have Prince Ali Rescue as a pre-req? What happens to the (very small but important to later quests) lore from it?
It's one thing removing individual quests with no ties to other parts of the game (like Sheep Shearer) but it's another altogether to remove a quest that acts as a starting point for a family of quests. I'm really not trying to complain, I'm looking forward to the new quests and I hope that the new quest will somehow be able to tie the lore together. I'm just cautious of the game getting lore 'glitches' to go with the regular glitches new updates bring...
Edit: Also, Festival of the Dead sounds intriguing. I enjoyed the Gielinor Games, though it got to be a bit of a chore going to it everyday and I slacked near the end. But who can say no to prayer xp?
21-Sep-2012 23:06:11
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21-Sep-2012 23:13:38