You know what I miss? Those nice well-written developer blogs, giving some insight in how things are done. (like "Development of the Mahjarrat"
The BTS video's are really great, but mostly show the last few stages or the already finished products, I love to read how the developer him/her-self feels/felt during the development stage, how and hwy certain decisions where taken, what was limiting the developer and stuff like that.. Things that were (sometimes) written in the developer blogs.
Do you have any idea if we will possibly see the return of those? That would be great!
Thought i was going to quit rs but after seeing this and thinking about whats next I WILL NOT QUIT RS. Thank u jagex if u did more of these updates rs could be no.1 again.
BTS suck imo. We get too much info now doesn't leave us space to speculate. BTS is killing off the future updates forum. It's becoming rants, suggestions and stupid guesses.