Yes i have tried the new EOC, i hated it.
I don't like changes that effect my game play like EOC did, i want my old game back.
Brink of Extinction, just fit right into my feelings of runescape as i knew it. The J mods won't even come in to the threads many of us whine on, as you like to call it. I like to call it fighting for my right to be heard and answered. Is it to much to ask them to tell us why they can't put a few servers back to the old way? Many of us don't care if its not updated, we just want a game that we can still enjoy.
I won't get to do that new quest if they don't put some servers back to the old way, i am not going to conform to this new cheap way of game play. Thats the problem with the world now many feel they are entitled to free stuff, its not the same as earning it.
Some of you put your blinders on and just conform to everything in life too, my blinders are off. Like many players that have already quit this game, I will be gone after Jan 5th and won't look back.
Just asking them to give an answer to the threads they ignor, so that we all know one way or the other as to what they intend to do about this.
Are they going to change some servers to the old runescape knowing that many don't care if it is updated or keeping with only the new system?
Thats what i really want to know, so i know if i am moving on to something else or staying here. With Christmas just around the corner, I don't want my family buying me Runescape cards if i won't use them. I will not be posting about this again as this is not the place for this but you ask.
30-Nov-2012 19:32:32