I thought I would be really excited for this and I was. But there are quite a few things I don't like and or don't get. I don't get how when you equip certain armour your max hitpoints are increased or decreased, and then it takes way too long to wait for your hitpoints to restore themselves, this causes a food waste. I don't mind max hitpoints being increased but for it to really be effective hitpoints would have to increase rapidly or at least stay the same if switching armour.
Currently players stand how we stand in an extremely laggy world, with our legs together and completely straight. I personally like the old way we stood. Shoulders on girls are too broad, someone else mentioned before that girls look like guys and we do and we shouldn't. I find faces to be very creepy looking.
I don't understand why it was changed so that you needed the herblore lvl to drink a potion. There are few players who make their own potions to be used for themselves in combat. This gives players who are already maxed or have a high herblore lvl an advantage in combat.
I understand the reason as to giving monsters the ability to utilize the other parts of the combat triangle. I went and tested out Skeletal Wyverns, normally I can kill them fairly easily already, with the beta not so much. My normal armour is dragon, with the beta I tried torva, and with the torva I was taking much more damage than with dragon. This doesn't seem right to me, seeing as torva is meant to be the best melee set in game it should reduce the amount of damage not take in more than my normal dragon. Monster hitpoints were raised but not combat lvls. Last thing, I don't like how you only get exp AFTER you kill the monster. <--This is much too like all the other mmo's and I don't like it. Please change it back so that you get exp DURING the fight.
26-Jun-2012 21:17:22