Okay so i been a member for around 8 months and also signed up for beta why in the world can't i access beta then? it says i need permission. why if i signed u for it? jagex give me a awsner please.
i signed up the day i logged on and now i cant play it reason why i don't have permission? give me permission?
Jagex you are having a laugh? I've been loyal for nearly 6 years now, with about 4years of membership. My membership is currently 11 months long and i still didn't get an invite?
Troll me more.
Whats the point of giving the beta acces to everyone on the weekend after the 6th july? Ofc im looking forward to getting absolutely smashed by all this kids you have picked.
So....this is just a test to see how people like it...and it could be something for the public to use in the future or a update that might come to RuneScape for the members to use if people like the idea of Evolution of Combat?... hope i was clear on my question
my brother got access and hes only been members for 2 weeks i've been members for 8 freaking months what makes him so special? and why arn't i one of those people chosen to play beta? please explain it to me jagex because i dont know why you would do something like that