Since we're on the topic of Origins of Gielinor, I just have one question:
Will we ever see a RuneScape movie? Ever? Because I would go see it
Not to mention lots of publicity and advertising
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.
Great video, interesting to see not one, but TWO BTS next week. But those say that there will be no update next week, remember, no one said they were both no the SAME day...
I thought I should just say this, but...I CALL DIBS!
Eh dull BTS. Probably feel that way because I am not artistically inclined. Wildy warbands will probably be final week of March, not that I will get involved in it anyhow. Demon flash mobs show how little you can trust other players.
Yes, I am very eager to find out what the "Speacial" something is. I usually am patient, but this is testing my patience. *calms down* Ok, until the next BTS, good luck at Jagex