Wait, I thought the Beta was supposed to be for Premier Gold and Silver Members only. The BTS makes it sound like anyone can be in it, which, quite frankly, ruins the major selling point of the Gold/Silver membership. Do we at least get a higher priority?
Worry not! Check out the official
Beta FAQ
for all the info!
I don't get it....why waste time bringing everything over? This was a great chance to get rid of a ton of broken content. Could have been done 6 months ago!
I don't get it....why waste time bringing everything over? This was a great chance to get rid of a ton of broken content. Could have been done 6 months ago!
Well I think sweeping changes to content such as removing stuff that is considered by some to be out-of-date is quite a massive undertaking. RuneScape's content is constantly being refreshed so no doubt any content deemed in need of re-evaluating will be on a longer-term plan.
Just to confirm, in the video, it was stated that HTML5 provided the capability of eliminating the loading screens as you loaded a new part of the map. Is this exclusively for one dimension of the map or every aspect of Gielinor? For example, when teleporting or going from the main RS map to, say, Dorgesh-kaan city, will that require the loading screen?
Of course I am excited Drebin. Have you logged onto EoC lately? The servers are completely fried now. I would love to play my game but it's a total mess. I'm just glad you got 07 up and running to buy some time.
I really think you guys need to look at EoC with a fresh set of eyes. It's not the same game, a lot of the systems you put in place were meant for Runescape! I mean, you are still working on stuff that we talked about 3 years ago!
So, why bother with a Beta test? With EOC you were making major adjustments right up to the launch date and then tweaking them afterwards. Some of those tweaks continue and have major impacts each time.
Hopefully, the Beta testing will be allowed to continue until the system is "mostly" tested, without major alterations continuing until the last day. I urge you to allow a final month with few adjustments made during it. Call it a "smooth running" period.
I am looking forward to the Off-hand Dungeoneering weapons!
The Charm Imp is cool and everything, but will we ever see something similar for gold pickup? If so would have to be super pricy like 1m tokens?