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sorry about going off topic man! Still better than the convo* about bts that usually in mostly being about complaints and demands to get rid of sof!There's an off topic convo in every forum. And brought the gods up because the monsters in the slayer dungeon were created by corrupted followers of guthix.Also you're basically hired by a guardian of guthix! Hey wait a second you said you started you're conversation on page1 I didn't even start a post till like page 9
Nope, you appeared starting on page 7 with 2 comments, page 8 with alot of comments etc. The god talk lasted for like 4 pages. Every BTS is filled with SOF talk you say? The first I've seen here is from you recently; thanks so much for that. I don't see much to none of SOF related talk in a fourm not referring to it besides, well, the SOF and Solomons and membership promos.
maybe it was the forums for the actual updates! but I've seen it in almost every update forum and mod drebin asked for perspectives on the lore!Also I'm happy to see there aren't any other comments about sof it's a nice change!Usually it's sof or about how the eoc is killing rs! probably wouldn't have taken up so many pages if I edited better
01-Jun-2013 05:10:36
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01-Jun-2013 05:11:50
And about my statement on the first page, I'd like to see the Killerwatt plane get an expansion and makeover. New monsters up there, a boss that drops the 90 Magic wand/orb (seeing how we got no 2h 90 weapon for melee and possibly not for range). I mean, you're fighting in the clouds! Who knows what else could lurk up there? Or.. a Dungeon that takes place in the Shadow Realm for once? Hehe, I tried.
the killerwatt expansion sounds like a good idea though what else would they put there though!And I think were already dealing with the most dangerous things from the shadow realm(Sliske,zaros,Khazard) lol good idea though Hey William what are wearing you're head gear looks cool
01-Jun-2013 05:20:43
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01-Jun-2013 05:22:51
Maybe Armadyl minions for lore could be implemented in it somehow and these "Killerwatts" could be some failed experiment by them. They do take flight so It wouldn't be too far stretched. If so, then I'm out of ideas. They could make something totally new though. And good point about the Shadow Realm. I'm wearing a Botanist's Mask ^^.
I do like the shadow realm idea a section in the realm could make a nice dungie for mage since most powerful things sent to it or from it are greatly influenced by magic. Maybe we would need a ring of visibility to see the shadow doorway which could be any shadow big enough to enter through cast by anything in gielinor!
The boss could set a shadow copy of us with our current skill lvl in magic plus current combat lvl to fight us. That would be one trial before fighting the boss! ohh more shadow realm plz! Mage dungie possibilities seem endless with a kool factor