Enough Runescape for me.
I've faithfully played this game for over 7 years and I loved it. It took hard work, strategy, and perseverance to build my account. I met new friends, spent hours skilling with them to get an awesome new set of pixels, supported the game with 4 years of memberships.
And for what? A company that is now copying off of all the free chinese based games out there. If I wanted to play a game where you got uber bonuses if you were lucky I'd go to one of the other hundreds of web based games out there.
Runescape was different because it took EFFORT. Runescape was different because you could display your effort and become respected in a community of hard workers.
Now? You can't tell the difference between someone who's been learning and playing for over 3 years and finally proudly displaying their santa hat, and the noob that just won a 200m jackpot.
You want to know what the players want? We want a CHALLENGE! We want a game that takes TIME, SKILL, STRATEGY, PERSERVERENCE, and FRIENDS to become good at.
If you want to market people who want an easy fix for their problems, let the bots keep botting, let the hackers hack, and release some auto-levelers for those too lazy to do it themselves.
I'm out people. It was fun Jagex, 'til you started supporting RWT, botting, and cheating.
~Hp Paradox.
~~ The game wasn't hard enough playing it the normal way. I play my account for a challenge. 50 Combat, 10 HP, 3 99s, 100M Bank. And I earned every second of it. NO SoW, NO Bonus XP Weekends ~~
22-Jun-2012 01:34:56