please no...
You're making me want to cry. There used to be a really nice and jenuinely fun game called Runescape. It's long gone now. I won't be renewing my membership. I know it means nothing to you but that's it. Every month is worse than the previous. I miss 2003, 2004, and 2005.. it was so much different from what it is now. My bunny ears prove I was here for the good years.
If you've just came to this game recently, you should know that it could be so much better-- there could be almost no bots, no flower games, no messaging spam from RWT's, and an interestingly vibrant community. There could be great updates with interesting quests that added more dynamics to the game. Now everything new just beats out the old, and there's no creativity.
I don't want to give another hour to a game that doesn't care enough to preserve itself. The current management is feeding off the successes of others previous to it. This can't go on forever.
Runescape is celebrating a milestone; the formal announcing of an end.
Goodbye :'(
21-Jun-2012 18:21:34