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The boss looks very cool indeed.
But, you guys need to stop pushing me/us towards the ''raiding'' of the bosses.
If i wanted to raid my bosses id play World of Warcraft.
Whats happening to the solo gameplay?
How about making an solo option of the boss with an lower chance of an drop then the '' raid'' one?
I just want to be able to do anything, any time, day/night without being forced into getting an Group/raid or whatever you call it these Days..
So basically you want it to be easy, that's what you're saying pretty much. How about this, how about you stop your crying, and realize it's for level 90 weapons/gear. This boss should be hard and be forcing you into groups, who cares what you call group-bossing.
@Hopefull, uh, no. It's a high-level boss, high-level rewards. Go farm Godwars where anyone and their dog can solo every boss. And KK is just as easy as Godwars if not easier. We don't need "mid-level players" or skillers piggy-backing off the people doing all the real work.
30-Jun-2013 21:05:11