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Is there a specific reason why the quest's choices were based on an event that only lasts 10 weeks rather than on the God Emissaries that will be around forever?
This. It would make more sense to be able to have different chat dialogues depending on what faction you are aligned with besides the two we were somewhat forced to choose to side with.
Also, how will old 5th Age quests which used to have Black Knight's Fortress as sort of a prerequisite work out now in terms of lore? Will that prerequisite disappear? Or will we have this quest as the new replacement prerequisite (which would be very bad, as it would break lore tremendously).
And one more thing: Why can't we use the old Saradomin look?! (ROTM & TWW). He looks awesome with the old look instead of the new one.
Other than all of that, I can't wait for this quest!
09-Aug-2013 19:41:46