Kudos to those behind the new designs for the godswords. They look absolutely incredible. Changing the look of them to represent what each god stands for and making the looks of each one unique is amazing rather than just changing their color schemes. The zgs with its terrifying and sinister look, the ags with is flamboyant appearance, the bgs with its crude and warlike visage, and sgs with its regal and ornate design. The way you guys made each godsword represent these gods is absolutely flawless. The Sgs especially. Changing it to show Saradomin's standing while retaining some of its original looks is no easy feat in my opinion.
My only concern is how much will making these godswords change? Will each godsword have its separate set of shards, making them even more unique?
Other than that concern I very much look forward to this art rework and future rework updates.
01-Sep-2012 00:57:31