I have no problem with the prices being "too high." Jagex still needs to make money and merging the soloman's and loyalty shop is something the majority of the community wanted. I have many friends who wanted outfits but couldn't afford to spend the extra money on cosmetics - now they will be able to. Jagex didn't intend for this to replace microtransactions but instead give another option to make it more fair.
Also, you have to remember that they will be boosting the amount of loyalty points per month, we don't get penalitized for a break in membership (great job by the way!) and you get even MORE bonus points for being a member longer than a year.
Over half of the items. Hmph. I am really concerned that none of the outfits will be buyable with loyalty. Come on Jagex, you have the opportunity to make this wrong right. Don't ruin this with greed again.
The prices look awful too. It looks to me that for those who have saved up points prior will not be able to buy very much or anything at all.
23-Aug-2013 19:22:09
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23-Aug-2013 19:23:14
What the hell is up with those prices!!! a years worth of loyalty points for a simply bank space item... good god i cant wait to see how big a rip-off the gear is.
"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this,
it devalues RuneScape for others
. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
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Why are only half the things purchasable with loyalty points? Come on Jagex.
Knowing Jagex, that half is actually counting the new store. So half of the new store is purchasable. Not half of solomon's store. Meaning, that we get to buy about five of solomon's items with loyalty points hah.