
BTS 67: Value of Loyalty

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Posts: 256 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was just about to ask the EXACT same question! I've been with RuneScape on and off for 8 years now. I did take some time off in the middle, boy it would be wonderful to get credit for all of those early years!

I think the Loyalty program is moving in the right direction. I hope this doesn't sound greedy, but other players who have played the same amount of time, just consecutively, are still being rewarded more than those of us who needed to take some time off before. But I realize this may be a tall request.

Either way, thanks Jagex for finally taking care of us long time players!

24-Aug-2013 19:06:39

Old Atomsk
Dec Member 2019

Old Atomsk

Posts: 298 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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130k ******* loyal points for 1 bank booster???? **** u jagex

and some items u can only but with real money?? **** that.. u need to reward your loyal players not rich ones

**** u jagex horrible company

... was really looking forward to this update but jagex found a way to ruin it like always

soon to be hidden post


Also, if Jagex raises the rate of LP distribution enough to justify those BS-looking LP prices of the sgs stuff while keeping the existing prices of stuff in the Loyalty shop constant, all the original loyalty stuff will be SEVERELY undervalued.

EXAMPLE: Currently, I get 15k LP per month. If I start at 0 and want to get 84k pts to buy the Aegis aura, I would need at least 6 months before I have enough pts. However, if the rate of monthly pts is raised to say 45k pts, I would need only 2 months to buy what is supposed to be a top-tier aura.

THIS IS THE SAME ******** Jagex pulled with EOC! Instead of making more powerful gear and equipment with which to kill stuff faster, they downgrade everything that's already in the game and introduce new top-tier gear that is equally powerful to that of the previous top-tier gear before it was downgraded.

EXAMPLE: Before drygores' debut, dual chaotics could be used to kill Nex perfectly fine. Then drygores were released and Nex was buffed so that in order to get the same results dual chaotics previously gave, you needed dual drygores instead.

PREFERRED SOLUTION: Decrease the LP prices of sgs stuff of course. That way the value of current loyalty gear won't be changed too much. I still want us to get more LP like Jagex is planning to do. The P2P stamp under my avatar pic may say 2011, but I've been playing since 2004. Even if the new LP system only recognizes the current 2-year string, that's fine.

Loyalty means LOYALTY not AFFLUENCE.
Don't say you don't care. You clicked this because you

24-Aug-2013 19:28:10 - Last edited on 24-Aug-2013 19:37:12 by Old Atomsk

Aug Member 2008


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Can't wait for this update, I am hoping some of the hair and outfits that I want can be bought with loyalty points. I hope this will keep updating to newer things as other items will get added.

-Lovely Knife-
~Lovely Knife~
*Starless Night*

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25-Aug-2013 02:08:41

Feb Member 2010


Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the only issue i'm having is the horrible LP:RC ratio....
if 90% of sgs is cosmetics (bank boosters not included of course -_-) then said cosmetics should have a 1:1 scale ratio, but this talk about 130K for 1 bank booster?
kinda overboard Jagex. I don't care how many players try to justify that, it shouldn't be that high no matter how many LP we'll get with the update.

I really hope these aren't the final prices....
also, my other complaint is that only certain things can be bought with LP? if it's a merge than it should be 100%, this isn't really the "Year of the Player" if you're not actually taking these complaints into account when you make these updates.

we already made a big ruckus involving the squeal and solomon's, both of which can award players cash bags/XP(squeal) and extra bank spaces(SGS) you say it technically doesn't affect game play when anyone who's rich enough can buy a butt load of spins and gain tons of GP and XP*****;--- that right there is affecting gameplay and giving another player the advantage. no matter how technical you call it, you cannot just deny that the squeal gives certain players with enough irl cash the advantage over us who only pay you guys for membership each month

i honestly believe that the only way to make this update work is to either shove it all out the window and just not do it, or make it so there's a decent LP:RP ratio and that everything in SGS is buyable with LP.
i understand you guys are greedy for $$* but you have our membership money and plenty other ways for that.
"Year of the Player?" please make that phrase actually MEAN something.
thank you

25-Aug-2013 03:04:00

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