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Wait... waitwaitwaitwait... wait. Wait.
I'm all for old quests getting reworked... the old Prince Ali Rescue, for example, was long in need of a facelift, and What's Mine is Yours is a much better quest than Doric's Quest ever was.
But Black Knights' Fortress is a prerequisite for many quests set firmly and immovably in the Fifth Age, including Wanted!, King's Ransom, and /very/ notably While Guthix Sleeps, and by extension, Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
However, The Death of Chivalry, which replaces Black Knights' Fortress, is being painted as a quest set solidly in the Sixth Age of Runescape.
I quest for the story. The story of Runescape is a big reason I've come back to this game over and over again over the years. And as a lore nut, the idea of a quest having prerequisites that are set chronologically /after/ when the quest has to occur... it sits very, very poorly with me. I hope I'm reading something incorrectly, or that the idea of this quest is not being communicated very well, because otherwise...
Runescape has an amazingly deep and well-thought-out story. I'd hate to see this hiccup get added, because to a lore nut like myself, it's not something that could easily be smoothed over. Maybe a different quest will become the prerequisite in place of Black Knights' Fortress, and The Death of Chivalry will become a stand-alone quest.
But whatever happens, I'd hate to see as involved of a story as Runescape's have such a glaring error in canon.
Black Knights' Fortress is being removed from the required quests of all the quests that require it. So, now you just go up to Sir Tiffy Cashien and get accepted into their group of white knights without really having any experience against the Kinshra at all. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but the quest itself looks cool.
02-Aug-2013 17:19:29