Interested in some of these updates other than S.O.F and Solomon's I feel that there should not be more updates to those programs until the loyalty shop updates are done as promised. The extra bank space from them and new items were supposed to happen long ago and haven't been touched. So being loyal means nothing unless we want to throw in the extra cash. I have always been a Runescape geek and don't come on half as much as I used to and feel like the actual fun of the game needs a revamp rather than finding more items people have to pay for to use. Even more upset the graphic issues on the bodies when it comes to earned capes not fitting the women are in last place on the patches yet the team has the time to keep throwing new content in without fixing problems that already exist.
05-May-2013 05:39:37
- Last edited on
05-May-2013 05:41:45