Thank you for clearing that up for me. I agree with Guthix that not being influenced by a god or side is definitely the balanced side. So in a way believing in Guthix is not believing in any god, but technically Guthix is/was a god so that part was mud for me. It's what he believed in. : P
01-May-2013 22:55:19
- Last edited on
01-May-2013 22:56:14
Yes this month isn't world shattering but they're slowly building up for the summer months when most players find themselves with more time to play. Has no one wondered why rs3 is being tested now instead of a month from now? I suspect that come the summer months (june-august) most of the "promised" content will start showing up. Just be patient.
@Perseuscape - Guthix said in that quest he NEVER wanted to be worshiped, and it was kind of insulting for people to do so as he wanted there to be NO gods including him in our world, so you worshiping him is actually insulting him, therefore it's the godless faction by believing in what guthix stood for, but not actually worshipping him as a God.
Please do not use this as a distraction from the utterly disgraceful shambles of an update yesterday... talk to us jagex, getting very frustrated with you just ignoring us
2595 RS3 Efficiency Experts
2277 OSRS Hexis
Jagex, I have always been a staunch defender of you and the direction you are taking. But it came to my attention that you've only released 10 new quests since the end of 2011(re-works, while kinda cool, don't count). You promised a lot and I'm finding it hard to keep the faith when there are no announced plans for quests. I'll keep strong till August, please don't fail your faithful.
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What was so bad about yesterday's update? I wouldn't know because I'm not really a PVM'er and I haven't touched a weapon since the update.
Drygores got nerfed in order to compensate with the stats actually mattering update.