Is it jagex's fault if kids steal their parents credit card to desprately buy spins,because theyve become addicting to ingame gambling? We all know how easy even adults get addicted to gambling, so lets make it available to kids online! (just make it seem innocent as if it's ot gambling) Kids are paying money in hopes of winning a big reward. Sounds just like gambling to me. Sure no1 forces them too, but it's annoying to others who like to play the game fairly when rich kids are buying tons of xp with real money. Yes jagex needs money to fund all their new updates, but obviously they came up with a way that no1 likes...And i doubt any kids actually ask their parents to buy spins, so blaming it on the parents is the poorest excuse ive ever heard. You're probably just one of those people who buys spins all day and it benefits you, but what about people who barely can afford to payforr membership it today's economy. Completely ignorant. Jagex can find another way to make other revenue, if this is their last resort, that's sad
16-Jun-2012 20:13:04