The game got worse once Andrew sold out the game, that's when bots hardly got hit, and Jagex got greedy and all they cared about was making money, not the game. They probably have a deal with bot websites to get a cut of the money if they allow bots in the game. I can't see any other reasonable explanation for it other than they're too lazy to give a crap about it.
HEY yall jjust saying did yall ever notice with the new up dates the bots dissapear well here we got jagex maby if u think about it when a mass of people log on at the same time there bots but i dont care i dont do anything were the bots are in my ways losers !!!!!!!
|____________|m still loving it lol
|...|...... ____
\___________/ rats Jagex, hoping to play for years to come!
@ SatanIstGott
How do you think i feel, ive been paying tis game since 2001 thats 11 years and i admit it used to be better back then, i'm not comlaining i still enjoy the game and all but still.
Since this is more than likely just an excuse to add in more "special items" to the SoF, I'm not really excited about this. Especially because we all *know* that number is HEAVILY inflated by bots.
Ahh. 7 years of playing, and the transformation from RuneScape to BotScape is almost complete! :') Let us celebrate this momentous occassion with "increased chances of winning 'awesome' items" on the Squeel of Fortune. Maybe I can win 10k a day from it, instead of 5k now! :o Perhaps 8 tuna, instead of 3?
Idk, I'm totally ecstatic. Perhaps the 200m (bot) player could have an honorary mention on the RS Main Page!! "Congratulations, kkduhhhskihh, on being RS's 200m player! It's players like you who have made RS what it is today!!
ohhh, ahhh, 200,000,000 accounts... in which most are bots. Not worth the time to say anything JaGeX just actually work on something useful instead of wasting your time on a counter that nobody gives a **** about!
Players? You mean accounts not players, that is a big difference.
And even then how many of those accounts are banned, not being used, made to advertise gold selling sites...
200 million accounts is nothing to be proud of since most of them and I mean like 95% can be thrown away into trash.
It is nice finding that place where you can just go and relax.