Wow more updates to OSRS and more glitches and bugs for eoc RS. Thanks a lot!! I really appreciate all the black screens, inability to access my clan's citadel, game crashes, 3 log outs within 5 minutes, screen freezes.. shall I go on??
You need to stop with all these side issues and fix our game. I am so tired of all the problems. I can't do combat due to the lags, screen freezes and random log outs. And just now, I randomly logged out while trying to access my bank!! this is pathetic!!
I have been a paying member for over 5 years. And with all this mess, I am seriously thinking of finding another game with game developers who actually care about their customers. For it is clears to me, Jagex doesn't care.
Sin me: an extremely irritated customer!!
18-May-2013 00:05:18