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And yet another set of immoral outfits to corrupt the minors more and to deform the picture of the females further.
Stop this stupidity please. It is becoming disgusting.
How typical, bohoo immoral outfits corrupting minors view of females.
The exact same thing could be argued for the male version of the same outfits, but about that you don't say a word.
Having said that, you yourself appear to be skirting the issue here. If someone attacks either gender then there is something wrong with the armour, and that should be the problem. I also think that your case about males is wrong - the female one is much more apparent and much more relevant to a fair proportion of Runescape players (i.e males).
I don't have anything against items being on the SoF, but I think it's a matter of principal as I say say that it is wrong for anyone to state that they will hold back on something and then push on by having the most amount of items on the SoF that I've seen in these successive weeks; First Age armour, Slayer masks, and now this.
Of course, it's your game and you can do whatever you want to do. But it's clearly upset some people.
29-Mar-2013 12:59:38
- Last edited on
29-Mar-2013 13:00:02