what made rs special and unique, and most of all, fun?
Knowing that when I got home from school, I could log in, and everything would be as I left it. You started opening up about updates, and telling the players about things, and taking into consideration player wants. You used to be so secretive about everything remember? And then the golden years came, when you started taking votes from the players, like free trade/wilderness, etc. Now, if you had a vote for the eoc, i'd bet everything I own it wouldn't have passed. (as long as you didn't rig it, lets be honest, you haven't been 100% honest in the past, but who has.)
anyway, I loved logging on, knowing everything would be as I left it, knowing I could do whatever I wanted, train to some day be able to go to nex, and solo corp, I fulfilled my dreams, all the while knowing the eoc was coming, and when it came I didn't hesitate, I quit after 3 straight years of membership, and 6 years of playing.
and so did my 2 brothers.
I started a petition to make rs3 and take the eoc and all your updates there, and it had over 1000 supports and 2000 posts on it. Jagex, your just not doing anything right anymore. Investors are controlling the interest of this game, so I am done funding that.
Membership was created to expand the game and take it to the stars. But somewhere along the line, we all know who this person is, he thought membership was there to line his own pockets.
30-Mar-2013 14:34:17