I have to say, this is pretty awesome. C: I just returned from a roughly 6-year break back in September '12, and was a little overwhelmed by all of the updates. I'm still getting used to them. I love them regardless (especially the graphics and new quests, though I still haven't really gotten a chance to try the GWD due to my cb lvl -never really liked cb much back in the day-), but it would be really neat to be able to play the version of rs I played back then.
I also appreciate that you're making this a separate game available rather than reverting the whole thing back like I've seen people asking for. I know you guys have worked hard to get rs to where it is today, and like I said, I -do- like how it runs now. In doing this you've not only stood your ground and not given up on what you believe is best for your game, but you've also listened to the community and are offering them a chance to get what they want. I'll admit, I sort of lost a bit of faith in you guys for a bit, there (it was a pretty major bummer to me when you guys added a -tradeable- Christmas cosmetic to the SoF, I never did win one on there -I have two step-kids and a baby, buying spins just isn't an option for me financially-, which I would have been fine with if it hadn't been for the fact that there were people in the GE selling large batches of them for 20m/piece... I mean, c'mon.), but this news post has restored it.
14-Feb-2013 15:35:00