I'm willing to vote for it, even though I probably won't spend most of my playing time on it. However, I think asking for all your stats and crap to go with you is being rather greedy. I'm not generally a Jagex apologist, but the fact of the matter is that they don't have to do this. Contrary to all the doomsday prophesies flying around, they are still making enough money to update the game, or they wouldn't be doing it. Instead, be glad you get to play a version of the game that is the most fun for you. Because I assume it's not your bank or your high stats that make RS2 fun for you; it's the gameplay. If you want to make bank with almost no effort, play the live version. Hell, after whining about how easy RS has become, you should be jumping at the chance to earn your stats and cash stack by *he sweat of your index finger.
Furthermore, if you want to play O'SevenScape, member up to vote. If you quit because of EOC and have been b^tching about it ever since, you're the ones they're doing this for. You want it to happen, you need to prove it. We all know a f2p vote would just be abused with throwaway accounts or alternates (I have 3 froobs. Don't tell me other people won't use every account they have to vote, and then make more).
I'll be honest, I sincerely hope you get enough votes to not have to pay extra, and to allow for f2p accounts to play. I want to vote to add my support. But I will not be voting to help out a bunch of entitled brats. This community doesn't need those kinds of players.
14-Feb-2013 05:52:07