Skullcore you literally have 0 brains. Let me answer your questions, since you, and all of the people copy/pasting your bull$**t can't put 2+2 together.
"- Free players legible to vote!"
No. Then people will just make accounts to vote and the vote would be completely off like the wilderness/free trade vote.
"- Information on holiday items!
- Information on rare distribution!"
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that if everyone's bank is wiped there will be no rares in the game. They were from pre-2007, and they will not be in anyone's banks, so they will not be in the game.
"- Poll for Character Stat transfers for Accounts 2007 or older!( no items )"
You're literally the stupidest person ever. Maybe if you hadn't touched your account since 2007 this would be viable, but why should you get a 6+ year advantage when you've been benefiting from updates since 2007?
Copy/paste this so Skullcore gets it through his thick head and all of his sheep shut the **** up and stop spamming.
14-Feb-2013 05:22:59
- Last edited on
14-Feb-2013 05:23:48
F1 Phantom