"How do you expect to get the older ex-members to come back if they are not aware of what is going on ?"
They won't as jagex doesn't have a clue how to advertise and market their game. The eoc update was actually understandable, but it completely failed due to what I just said.
OSRS Mage Tank.
Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.
i am a maxed 45 def turmoil pure and i made this account in a mouth only to see the next month eco had ruined all my success please transferr my account stats just not idems i dont care about idem just the stats i worked so hard to get and then the failed because eco!
Ha! You fools will be lucky to even get 50k votes! Runescape is fine how it is.. forget about the "veterans".
And if by some miracle it does come out, good luck having to wait in varrock/falador trying to spam just to buy or sell something.. Which would be even more difficult considering the low amount of players that will be on.
What will happen to discontinued items? Will partyhats/santas/disks etc be in the game? Would you be able to give our account items based on the creation date? For example: my first account was created in November 2004 so I would get a yo-yo and everything released beyond that, but not bunny ears or a scythe but an account created before April 2002 would get every holiday item.