Firstly, great job bringin back the good old Runescape with community**** removal adds communication between players lots. Be sure to give us own forum section for market etc.
Secondly, the names. So you can use your current account to play 2007, but what if it's an email account? No name changing is wished (nor it existed -07
About the "focus and sercourses".. Bring all antibotting measures possible. No one wishes to compete with 20 botters cutting yews for example. And that's the problem with "free to play" servers. If there's no monthly payment theres nothing to scare golddigging botters. Maybe you should deal like rs1. No pay no play. Players who had contionous membership in -07 should recieve a discount on the price
Runecrafting would actually be profitable again
Loved the old monk robes, old dragon scim, and old castle wars. Would hope this does come back, 2007 was fun, you actually had to communicate to other players to sell items. And there was better bartering.