" am imagining Jagex are like "ok u want old school we will give u back old school This is how I think we are fooled and used."
Brought to you by the 500,000 of 1st Regiment, *retried veterans* of the WHINER Brigade (stationed at the illegal ps that was shut down) and Wreckers Whiners of 50,000
At aeris sephis you are fence sitter you were probably telling people to adapt or quit but now jagex is listening you are going right along with it. If you dont like it dont support it. why waste your time being fake?
If you are paying any sort of membership when the poll hits 500,000 votes, you will be playing 2007Scape for no additional cost. However, if 500,000 is not reached, you will have to pay an additional cost of $5 a month. Will there be cards for it? No clue! Maybe they'll tell us later.
Please Jagex, do not impliment peoples accounts from the current game into the server. MAKE EVERYONE START FRESH. Adding in everyones current account would simply ruin the server, and a fresh start would be awesome