As a veteran member of runescape, (since 2004) I have only one concern with this poll. The people who have been raving for a 2006 based server, never even played in 2006. These people are only jumping on the bandwagon that was created with the release of the Evolution of Combat to runescape. I don't want to see a game I played before, I liked 2012 just before the evolution. Sure the game was bad in some aspec**, but that was because the community was bad. People were no longer concerned with having fun, but just making money off of other players from any way possible, which include scamming, "pjing", and more recently, gambling/staking. I'm aware these things have always been part of the game, so don't say LOL***IT STAKING WAS B5 AND DER WAS PJERS 2 LOL #YOLO. Honestly, 2007 wasn't all that great, and on top of that, starting over completely? What's up with that? Why would we want to pay extra to restart a game we've achieved so much in, building a bank from nothing will be incredibly hard, and sure some of us will have an advantage because we played back then, but what of the people who didn't and were so eagerly chomping at the bit for these servers? When they realize they aren't what they expect, they will quit and the servers will die out, just as they did in 2012, pre eoc. The community will fill with the same scum it's had for the last few years, and cause the honest players to quit, and cause Jagex to abandon this project. So, while I do think that a pre-eoc server is a good idea, I believe a 2007 based one, with account resets isn't the best idea. I think there should be more feedback, and Jagex should take into accountability when the accounts voting originated, to determine whether the player actually wants the 2007 server because they played it, or whether they're hopping on this new trend. I know some people had created new accounts, and it wouldn't be accurate, so there should be a small test to prove whether or not they played in 2007. - Jlopiwens
14-Feb-2013 02:57:14