I started runescape in early 2006. This game was so addicting i quit in early 2010 due to all the stupid updates, and the game was pretty much crap. Honestly i do not support bringing back the old runescape unless you kill the new one and make things how they used to be. I hate the idea of a completely new game it makes no sense i think you are just DOING IT FOR MONEY JAGEX BECAUSE YOU FAILED WITH EOC. It's gonna become a split game one side of the game will be dead while one flourish . There isn't no point in doing this you guys just want money. What will fix runescape is removing eoc and take out all the cash shops revert back to how things were. I played this game non-stop when it was fun and to me it is ruined now you cant do nothing to fix it!
I started sometime in 2007 just before hp became 990.I didn't know a s**t about game and i was enjoying the game more than i enjoy now.I remember my first time loging into a game and playing for 10 hours,and a guy who gave me a fulll bronze i was the happiens man in a world.LoL
Putin is love,Putin is life!
I do admit.. Since 2007, I've litterally hated you every day.. Now.. And forgive me for my upcoming inappropiate language but.. I ******* LOVE YOU NOW!!
note; I've played since 2002.
13-Feb-2013 19:23:03
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13-Feb-2013 19:23:36
yea if any content extra content was added id say phoenix lair cause all the drop weren't that big and it kept you going everyday for the pheonix pet it took forever to get it it was a good filler update but it requires summoning to get the pet and thinking about it we really don't need to add this type of update if we were to keep it old school.
100% Support for this, **tremely excited. Been playing the game since 2004, and revisiting many old moments will be beautiful. Amazing job Jagex. The votes should be easy to achieve.