Thank you old RS Combat System, time to get my Range Level up again with Red Chinchompas!
Chinning is simply and utterly... BEAST!
If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone's sadness.
I only have one complaint however, why not put in the GE? I dont want to have to run around all of gielinor for quest materials and new weapons and armor when there is a place that makes it 100% more convenient to get the things i need. Please include the GE. Some players might think it's a good idea to leave it out, but they will certainly miss the convenience of requesting dragon bones on the GE for a price that isnt ridiculously inflated by some greedy player,
as opposed to going to the taverly dungeon or green dragons to find nothing but bots and PKers. Thank you for listening.
I don't like this at all, there will be more time spend on the old servers to make updates etc. en less on the current game.. it's just such a bad idea....
Eoc is much more fun to play. more exciting fights. instead of just hitting with the same emote over and over like before eoc. You will not get my vote for this !
Valar morghulis
It's funny how Runescape finally realized how trash the game was in it's current status so now they want to charge people to play the older servers. This game is NOTHING like I used to play, and they really expect 750k votes? Why is Classic available to play with no extra cost? This is a last resort by Jagex to get a few more dollars out of people blinded by nostalgia. I for one would love a server back from 06-07, but this is just pitiful how they're going about it. Just bring back the damn server, without a vote, and without additional payments. What a scam.