@ lbrahimovic, Rell stop telling stupid lies... Are you scared of this update ROFL?
Lies? that is "ROFL". Here is the proof you so clearly need. Check out the following thread by Lord Pain559, QFC: 14-15-974-64237993.
Why did you make just a silly statement as "Are you scared of this update ROFL?"? I started playing before 2007, I know what it was like back then. I would like to vote yes, but people like yourself really make me consider changing my mind
i am begging for voters so everyone can experience what 07 was like i mean people can experience rsc now we should alow mid year 07 and then present be great history to see how great rs has improved
Alright so if you got into the store and there's a product you want to buys...let's say a soda. There's a sign that puts the price at $2.50, but there's a store right next door that has the same soda for $1.50.
You would gladly pay $2.50 for the soda because it's worth it. But which option do you choose if you can pay $1.50 or $2.50?
If you got to the last page on the highscore the last number is: 1,850,133
And if you check the last 800000 accounts they havent gained a single xp and are just spam bots or trial accounts so there are only 1 million active members...
"If you got to the last page on the highscore the last number is: 1,850,133"
I have 3 accounts with membership at this time, there will be many who still have active pures aswell as the main account they use, "unique players"..i think not.