There is talk all over about players creating dozens or even hundreds of accounts just so they can have all those accounts vote on the 2007 poll.
I sincerely hope that Jagex will not allow this to actually affect the poll. The poll should be strictly for player accounts created before EOC went live. Any account created after that cut off date should have no say or influence in the poll. This won't stop old accounts from renewing members and voting.
It would effectively stop people from cheating/abusing/rigging the poll to show much higher numbers than they should be.
The issue i'm trying to bring up is, if there are hundreds of players who create dozens (or more) accounts each, then it falsely raises the number of votes, and could well bring the total number up into a higher tier which is entirely misrepresentative of the actual number of voting players.
This would then mean they have less actual accounts signing on for the 2007 servers than they think they will. Because I highly doubt someone who has created 100 accounts will then play 2007scape with every single one of those accounts.
Since they've set those targets, and set payments accordingly based on how many players they think will play 2007scape, if far less than vote yes actually play, 2007scape will just become a big drain on the game as a whole.
How is this a good thing? So please, if you do read this Jagex, think ahead and close out the voting to any account created post-EOC, it is the easiest way to get a fair poll result, and to close out the cheaters from falsely ******** up the system.
15-Feb-2013 02:57:25