Dear Mr Gerhard,
Great to hear about the possibility of Runescape 2007 coming back. There is only one remark I'd like to make.
I've spent literally hundreds of dollars on membership. I started playing way before you started working at Jagex, namely late 2004, up until half 2011; with a few breaks in later years(2008-2011). Many of my friends/fellow veterans have quit there membership way back, so have I.
These people are where the votes(and money in the long run) will come from, only if you give them the possibility to vote. This way I'm predicting you will never even come close to a million votes. Especially because people will realise you are earning ±7 euro's/dollars per new membership. In case of a million votes that is 7.000.000+ euro's/dollars.
So in my opinion you should make some sort of an arrangement so that every past member or account made before august 2007 should have the ability to vote. This will give you a much better view on the "support" from the players you're mentioning all the time.
I have my doubts if the current votesystem will be most profitable. I think the long term profit from a fully supported Runescape 2007 will be much bigger.
I can only hope for the best.
14-Feb-2013 19:14:23